Pengertian Direct and Indirect Speech dalam Bahasa Inggris + Contoh kalimat
Pengertian Direct and Indirect Speech dalam Bahasa Inggris + Contoh kalimat – Hai sahabat setia SBI, Tentunnya pernah menemukan direct and indirect speech dalam sebuah percakapan? Tetapi masih banyak yang tidak memahami bahwa itu adalah direct and Indirect speech. Dalam bahasa Indonesia direct and indirect speech merupakan kalimat langsung dan kalimat tidak langsung. Untuk penjelasan selanjutnnya, dibawah ini pengertian dari direct and indirect speech dalam bahasa Inggris beserta contohnya:
Direct speech merupakan kalimat yang menunjukkan ucapan langsung dari seseorang. Kalimat itu diberi tanda baca (”)
Sedangkan indirect speech merupakan kalimat yang menceritakan kembali ucapan-ucapan seseorang untuk disampaikan kembali.
Yang harus di perhatikan dalam membuat kalimat tidak langsung dari kalimat langsung adalah:
- Adanya Perubahan waktu : Apabila reporting verbnya adalah say, ask, advise, order, etc.
Catatan :
Untuk merubah direct ke indirect, hilangkanlah (‘) tanda koma dan (“) tanda kutip pembuka dan penutup, lalu tambahkan kata that.
Kalimat perintah :
Direct Speech : She said, “Don’t do that again!” (Dia berkata, “Jangan lakukan itu lagi!)
Indirect Speech : She told me to don’t do that again. (dia mengatakan kepadaku untuk tidak melakukannya lagi!)
Direct Speech : She said, “Do your task now!”(Dia berkata, “Kerjakan tugas mu sekarang!)
Indirect Speech : She said to me to do my task then. (Dia mengatakan kepadaku untuk mengerjakan tugas ku nanti)
Direct : My aunt said, “Do not spill it on the sofa!”(Bibiku berkata, “Jangan tumpahkan itu diatas sofa!)
Indirect : My aunt told me not to spill it on the sofa. (Bibiku mengatakan bahwa jangan menumpahkan itu diatas karpet)
Catatan :
Yang perlu kalian perhatikan dalam kalimat perintah adalah to dan not to untuk Indirect Speech (bila kalimat itu dimulai dengan don’t di Direct Speech)
Kaimat tanya :
Direct : “What is your occupation?” She asked (“Apa pekerjaanmu?” Dia bertanya)
Indirect : She asked me what my occupation was. (Dia menanyakan kepadaku apa pekerjaanku)
Direct : She asked, “Where do you come from?” (Dia bertanya, “Darimana kamu berasal?”)
Indirect : She asked me where I come from. (Dia menanyakanku darimana aku berasal?)
Direct : “Do you know the real story?” (Apakah kamu tahu cerita yang sebenarnya?)
Indirect : He asked me if (whether) I knew the real story. (Dia menanyakanku apakah saya tahu cerita yang sebenarnya?)
Catatan :
Untuk kata-kata pertanyaan 5 W+1H (what, where, why, how, when, etc), teman – teman harus menempatkan dan menyesuaikan tensesnya terlebih dahulu. Tetapi bila tidak ada kata Tanya, teman – teman bisa memulainya dengan if atau whether.
Dalam mengubah kalimat tanya menjadi kalimat berita, tanda tanya kalimat itu diganti dengan titik (bukan bertanya lagi) di dalam indirect speech.
Soal Reported Speech Pilihan Ganda
He asked me,“Did they eat out together yesterday?”
- He asked me if they had eaten out together the day before.
- He asked me if they had eaten out together yesterday.
- He asked me if they has eaten out together the day before.
He told me,“Don’t turn off the light now.”
- He told me didn’t turn off the light at that time.
- He told me not to turn off the light at that time.
- He told me don’t turn off the light at that time.
She asked me,“What’s your passion?”
- She wanted to know what is my passion.
- She wanted to know what my passion was.
- She wanted to know what was my passion.
He said,“I begin to understand the concept of biodiversity.”
- He said that he began to understand the concept of Biodiversity.
- He wanted to know if he began to understand the concept of Biodiversity.
- He asked me that he began to understand the concept of Biodiversity.
He said,“Your friend has just left.”
- He told me that my friend has just left.
- He told me that your friend had just left.
- He told me that my friend had just left.
She asked,“Can I borrow your pencil for a moment?”
- She asked me whether she can borrow my pencil for a moment.
- She asked me whether she could borrow my pencil for a moment.
- She asked me if she can borrow my pencil for a moment.
She asked,“Why are you staring at my feet?”
- He asked her why was she staring at his feet.
- He asked her why she is staring at his feet.
- He asked her why she was staring at his feet.
He said,“The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.”
- He asked if the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
- He said that the sun rose in the east and set in the west.
- He said that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
She said,“I’m going to meet my penpal for the first time tomorrow.”
- She said she was going to meet her penpal for the first time the next day.
- She said she was going to meet my penpal for the first time tomorrow.
- She said she was going to meet her penpal for the first time tomorrow.
They said,“We have been here for a week.”
- They said they had been there for a week.
- They said they had been here for a week.
- They said we had been there for a week.
Direct and Indirect Speech
Reviewed by Astis
2:06 AM
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